The Time is Now

Let's make this moment....last. -Moloko

Location: Toronto, Canada

Monday, March 05, 2007


Admittedly, I was pretty shaken up, and so were my hands. Most of the photos I took were a blurry mess. There were around 8 fire vehicles (various kinds), 4 police cars, and two ambulances that came to the apartment fire.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did AM throw the burning sofabed out the window into the street as well? :|

4:28 PM, March 05, 2007  
Blogger Jay-too said...

No, three of the 24+ firemen dragged it down the stairs. But I'm sure if they hadn't we would have had to do it the next day.

4:33 PM, March 05, 2007  
Blogger Architect said...

did your neighbour come out of her drug induced haze and ask you to remove pics of her apartment?

5:08 PM, March 06, 2007  
Blogger Tsaichotic said...

I love that second photo of the firemen.

That's all...

9:45 PM, March 12, 2007  
Blogger Jay-too said...

The other photos would have been good to, if you could make out what they were! And there is now a restraining order on the woman who set the fire, she was the daughter of the tenant.

10:07 AM, March 13, 2007  

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