The Time is Now

Let's make this moment....last. -Moloko

Location: Toronto, Canada

Monday, June 18, 2007

It Never Fails

For some reason forcasted storms always occur just as I'm about to go out to wait for the streetcar!


Around the CBC

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These were the only three events I went to see during LumanaTO this past June 1-10th. Lights at the Harbourfront, Balls at BCE Place, and White Stallions at Union Station.

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J3, I did a triple take whe I saw this sign. Good news is that it will be about 2 blocks from me, bad news is that it won't be open before i see you, but i will stalk it everyday until I leave for Australia! (Perhaps you can explain the relation between the two?)

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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Jes! Success

Well, it has been 4 weeks since my carpal tunnel release surgery, and I can say that i'm on the road to a very successful recovery. I am typing with my left hand and my right middle finger. I did attempt to type properly today, however that was ahuge NO GO. I can almost hold my toothbrush the entire length of the brushing. I have over 50% mobility in my fingers and hand, and at least 30% of the strength and grip.

There were times when I though getting the surgery was a poor choice on my part, but now that it isn't so nasty looking I may still do my left hand. Here are some of the reasons for my doubt:

1. The age of the plastic surgeon.
2. When he was about to do the stitches, he told me to refer to the post surgery instruction sheet. He NEVER gave me one.
3. When he bandaged up my hand he told me to take the Tylenol3's in a few hours. He hadn't given me a perscription.
4. When I asked how soon I could return to work, he said if I worked for myself I could technically go back tomorrow.
5. 13 days later, when he took out the stitches, I asked for a note for work, and he said, "didn't i already write you one?"
6. He wrote the note with a gold fountain pen in calligraphy.
7. Within an hour of leaving his office 2/3 of the stitches split open and someone on the bus told me I was bleeding.

I took many macro shots of my hand which I will eventually post, but will hold off for another week so see how it heals.

Looking back, I'd have to say that the surgeon did an excellent job. I hope that I am cured of my right hand carpal tunnel now!
