Sydney Sculpture Walk
Sydney Sculpture Walk 7
Originally uploaded by tsaiware
J1 and T were patiently waiting for me to take more photos at this tourist attraction. When suddenly T became one herself!
Let's make this moment....last. -Moloko
J1 and T were patiently waiting for me to take more photos at this tourist attraction. When suddenly T became one herself!
I don't know these people, I don't even recall taking this photo, but here they are. The boardwalk at the beach is covered with murals, streetart (beachart) and graffiti. Thanks Mom and Dad for taking me to Bondi.
Before we headed to the Blue Mountains, Bernie took us to the Jenolan Caves. Here are more of my photos from the area and the Lucas Cave Tour. I don't recommend taking small children or taking the tour if you're claustrophobic.
Thank you Bernie for taking the day off work to take us to the Blue Mountains. I was suprised at how cold it was there, but the five minutes we were there was well worth it! Here are a few more of the photos.