Telephoto Lens
These two pics were taken from roughly the same area, the first photo at 17mm and the next one with our new Telephoto lens.
This was with the 300mm setting. Pretty sweet! I'll take pics of the new lenses sometime soon. I didn't have the cha-ching to buy the IS lens, but I'll just keep my amateur zoom lens photo taking in the daytime.
Labels: CN Tower
Haha, now you can go up CN Tower and charge $2 for people to look around Toronto from your 30000000x zoom! Maybe you can charge them more, cuz I was going to charge $2 for my mere 52x zoom.
So, what are you gonna do for a reasonable bag to carry that around in? For our vacation out West, mine travelled in a lunch bag and thus never saw the light of day.
Oh I have an awesome bag for my camera gear now, except its getting heavy. I'm going to have to upgrade to a back pack soon.
I'm glad I don't have camera envy...
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