The Time is Now

Let's make this moment....last. -Moloko

Location: Toronto, Canada

Monday, January 30, 2006

Long Distance Cheese

cheese monger
Originally uploaded by tsaiware.
This is how the story goes, I was at the market waiting for some blueberry bagels to be baked. I had about 30 min to kill, plus I was on my way to the airport. So I decided to call my LS in Wpg and ask her if she'd like some fancy cheese. The converstation goes like this.

me: Hi, I'm waiting for some bagels, and thought I'd ask you if you wanted some cheese?
LS: ...sure, ask for a mild cheese that won't have to be refrigerated...
me: (repeats it to the Cheese Monger - CM)
CM: (picks up a wedge about the size of a small cantalope wedge and hands it to me)
me to LS: its pretty good (I don't know much about cheese!)
me to CM: sure, I'll take it
CM: (weighs it and hands it to me)
LS: how much is it?
me: about $12.00 (I'm lying)
CM: oh this is the OLD cheese (weighs it again)
me: (eye's bug out) um, he just reweighed's actually over $16.00
LS: (and I swear not even 1 second went by) how many grams was it?
me: just over 200 grams
LS: THAT'S OVER $72.00 a kilo
me: (backing away from the Cheese Monger), I'll have to think about it....(trying to pretend I don't notice him giving me the evil eye).

I backed right out of the shop, and took off. Holy smokes, that cheese musta been made of gold!


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