The Time is Now

Let's make this moment....last. -Moloko

Location: Toronto, Canada

Friday, March 31, 2006

If it weren't for tv...

...saying that I'd get even fatter when losing an hours sleep, I wouldn't know it was Daylight Saving Time this weekend. I would continue telling J1 and J3 that it's probably around easter, and I would be late for work on Monday. For some reason the three calendars I have don't say when it is, good thing I didn't pay for them, or I'd feel ripped off. At least Easter is on the calendar! Farwell J1 and J3 until the next time change.


Blogger Tsaichotic said...

Boo to Daylight Savings begining/ending. *hmph*

5:36 PM, April 02, 2006  

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