The Time is Now

Let's make this moment....last. -Moloko

Location: Toronto, Canada

Monday, March 26, 2007

My two favourite windows

I grabbed the camera, put on a good pair of walking shoes, wandered the city for over three hours, to come across this! A film shoot infront of my favourite store window to shoot....grrrrrrrrrr! I should have just walked through it, seeing as they were filming people walking up and down the sidewalk, but cops always make me feel like I'm doing something wrong...even if I'm not!

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Blogger MiddleChild said...

Don't you hold some form of honorary association with the force? I think having served and protected, grants you some rights and priveleges - ignoring traffic controls and reckless parking comes to mind - and you've got the blog to prove it.

Sure, when you gather with the boys in blue at the local, they're all about counting the notches in their belt, but does their blog get as many hits?

BTW, blogger? p-s-o-y-m-e? No, no. P-S-O-Y-O-U!!!

10:36 PM, March 27, 2007  

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