The Time is Now

Let's make this moment....last. -Moloko

Location: Toronto, Canada

Friday, August 17, 2007

The numbers are in!

For some reason the DVD of my trip photos are MIA. However, J1 so kindly has been uploading it to my ftp site. We think I finally have them all! If I look at the sequence of numbers, I officially took 4956 photos on my vacation. Wonder how many I'll take in Vegas?!

I wonder how long it will take me to go through them?

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Still no photos J1.

I've taken a bit of a break with the vacation blogs, I'm still waiting for the DVD to show up with the first 1600-2000 photos of my trip. Somehow the first set was lost between Sydney and Toronto, hopefully this second dvd will make it here.

If you've made the effort in reading the end of the trip blogs already, just be aware that there are missing posts in between that will show up once I organize my photos and thoughts.

Happy Reading.

Anything can happen

A couple of days ago I left my post for a few minutes, and when I came back there was a giant boot sitting there with a few giftbags inside. Today there is just the empty boot gracing the lobby of our office, we've decided this is how we'll let people know that they're getting the "boot", by leaving it on their desk.


Monday, August 06, 2007

Babushka does Melbourne!

Ready to head out for the day.

Enjoying the morning sun by the Yarra River.

Waiting for a train at the Southern Cross Station.

Enjoying the sun by the beach.

Sitting in the shade at Port Melbourne.

At the foodcourt, enjoying lunch!

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Melbourne - Federation Square

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Day 12 - Yarra River Cruise

Mom and Dad just before the cruise began, with a hint of sun on the Eureka Tower.
One of the tug boats along the Yarra River.
Water spewing from the Goliath.

I highly recommend taking a Yarra River Cruise while you're in Melbourne. Even though the weather was overcast and sometimes drizzling, this perspective of the city was superb. Check out the complete series of photos by clicking on the header.

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Day 12 - Dandenong Ranges - The Birds

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Day 12 - Dandenong Ranges - In the Clouds

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Day 13 - Crown Casino Goodies

Lobby light and laser show.

Some of the great looking desserts at the Crown.

Yes you're eye's aren't fooling you, this is indeed Sweet Corn Pumpkin Ice Cream.
J3's red bean ice cream.
There's the corn!

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Crown Casino Fire Show

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Day 13 - Swanston Street

The Pigeons of Melbourne and this flower shop are a couple of my favourite things to see on Swanston Street. No matter how dreary the day is, these two places can cheer anyone up!

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