The Time is Now

Let's make this moment....last. -Moloko

Location: Toronto, Canada

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Special Thanks

I can say that I'm finally back on Toronto time, I think that the lack of sleep now has to do more with the hot and humid weather we're encountering here rather than jetlag.

My trip to Australia (Sydney and Melbourne) was great. Each day was full of wonderful, fun and some hillarious adventures. Thanks to J1 and T for letting me stay with them for the first week (plus three extra sleepovers), to J3 for finding awesome accomodations at the Plum Apartments (highly recommended)and playing Melbourne's finest tour guide, and to my folks for putting up with me for two weeks.

I can't say I wasn't warned about the winter there, granted it was very pleasant out in the sun, but indoors was another story. To say that I was wearing around 3 layers of clothes, plus a fleece that I thought I'd never wear there, along with mini mittens and sometimes a hoodie (or "hook" as my mom calls it)and a scarf to bed to keep myself warm. Yes a block heater was offered to me, but I was being stubborn (a well known family trait).

Somehow I managed to take over 5000 photos, although I must admit I think 1500 of them are of clouds and water (the ocean, rivers and fountains). Plus somehow I managed to lose the DVD J1 so kindly burned for me with my first 2GB of photos between Sydney and Toronto. Maybe one day I'll get it back from someone who recognized one of us from the photos, not unlike the photos we received annonymously in the mail about 3-5 years after they were taken found at some post office where someone recognized our family. I doubt that can happen in one lifetime. Anyways, because of another family trait (OCD)I can't organize my photos until I have the 2-3 days of my vacation shots. Thanks again to J1 for posting another DVD in the mail and for having the foresight to wait until I got home before deleting them from her computer.

J1 and T, I had a great time with you both. Thank goodness I didn't spew chico roll all over you in the Sydney Harbour Bridge Pylon, I suspect that would have been a very bad first impression for T. J1 one day I'll beat you at Wii bowling, and it won't be by chance (maybe if I was the Jack Black character). I'll never forget the photo op with the korean tourists, the toast at Cinque, the Waverley Cemetery and the Momiji's. Thanks again for putting up with all my photo taking, and for finding all the streetart for me to photograph. T for making sure I always had a cup of coffee in the morning and for both of you making me feel at home (and for the "just incase" spare keys). Your condo is awesome, I hope to have a meal with you guys out on the balcony when it is warmer one day and with AM.

J3, it was amazing to see you after all these years. I'm so proud of you for all you've accomplished in Melbourne, and what impresses me the most is that you love your job and that you are happy. Our time together was short and sometimes crowded, but the perfect remedy for that was ordering Thai and watching 90's films on tv. I still can't believe you've never seen Shawshank before! But even more so, I can't believe that I've seen Legally Blonde over 6 times already. Port Melbourne was beautiful even with the trauma of the sweater and earing...LMAO. Don't forget who the Angel is :)

Mom and Dad, thanks for everything. The Christmas in July dinner party was alot of work for you both, especially since it was your first day off of work. It has been far too long since we've seen one another, I will definately try to make more of an effort to see you (or have you come see me). Thanks for taking me to places and for walking all over the city, even when you were tired. I'm glad you enjoyed the short trip to Melbourne, it was wonderful to see you smile with the birds (photos to come later). And the afternoon we went bowling in Sydney, I can't believe how great you bowled for people who haven't played in around 20 years! Can't wait to see you again!!

Love you and miss you all.


Blogger three A's mom said...

5000 photos... hello Photobook!

2:01 PM, August 02, 2007  

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