The Time is Now

Let's make this moment....last. -Moloko

Location: Toronto, Canada

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Red Sweets

swedish berries and cinnamon dots
Originally uploaded by tsaiware.

Red swedish berries, my favourite gummy type sweet, and these little cinnamon dots, not quite so good...well I'm not a fan of cinnamon flavoured candies, I just bought them to photograph.

In my living room

living room
Originally uploaded by tsaiware.

Things from my old life, into the new. These were some of the last things that were picked up from the old apartment and displayed in the new. The two gold framed mirrors were from the first Umbra sale I ever went to,the sunburst mirror was brought from winnipeg, the clock was the first thing I bought myself when I moved to Toronto after university, I made the basket that is on one of the hooks,the fish print is from Magprint (a local toronto artist and my coworker) and the metal tulip was made by Canadian Metal Worker, John Ennis, who's portfolio I am working on.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Valentine's Candy Corn

Valentine's Candy Corn
Originally uploaded by tsaiware.

Candy corn isn't just for Halloween anymore. The day after Valentine's I saw these at the bulk food store, it was 3lb for 99cents. My coworker is ALWAYS buying these things, so I thought I'd pick them up for her. This clearly isn't 3lbs of it but I thought I shouldn't touch every single one before I handed them over. Have you tried one of these? YUCK...I'm pretty sure the orange ones taste the same.

the stems

Originally uploaded by tsaiware.

Sometimes I think if I didn't split up the two blogs, I'd have more to say. At least I've attempted to put something new on. If anyone wants to hear me complain about the office move, I'm sure I could blog about it!

Does anyone know what these are?

Originally uploaded by tsaiware.

They were really long, the stems were hard to cut, and they didn't look like they were going to make it the first 24 hours, but they're still hanging in there.


Originally uploaded by tsaiware.

I was switching vases because the stems were all snapping from the weight of the flowers, and they looked so nice, I had to take a picture.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Lack of Blogging

mandarin oranges
Originally uploaded by tsaiware.

Oranges!? My other blog is republishing, and its huge and always takes a long time, so I'm blogging via flickr to let everyone know that for the next six weeks, I may not be blogging much or it may come in batches. The office is moving downtown and I have alot to do to prepare for it, and then all the unpacking. Why oranges? It was the only picture I had this time that wasn't "craft"ing, and they were delicious!

Happy Valentine's Day

Originally uploaded by tsaiware.

Look what I got today...sweet!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Swimming with the fishes

Originally uploaded by tsaiware.

These candies taste just like sweet tarts, at least from what I recall. I can't wait to hit the bulk food store for more candies to photograph.

Box of Sweetness

jelly belly's 2
Originally uploaded by tsaiware.

The only thing I have issues with, when it comes to Jelly Belly's is that I don't know what the heck I'm biting into. Which is probably why I still have my box of beans from S & P's wedding. Wonder what flavours these are?

Busy little bee...or should I say bear?

Originally uploaded by tsaiware.

I've been trying to take some better pictures, and thought I'd use food as my subject. This setting was staged, because everyone knows cups, plates and mugs are in their own area away from the food!

If I had kids...

Originally uploaded by tsaiware.

I'd probably take pictures of them, instead of chocolate.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Saturday organization

Originally uploaded by tsaiware.

I scored some awesome fabric samples, and yesterday I took some photographs of them before I pack the bunch away. I know this isn't my tsaiware site, but this had more to do with how I spent my saturday morning and afternoon.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Thinking of you, An-ma

Where's G?

Perhaps G was taking the polaroid because this picture was taken at her house, but she's not in it!

An array of 2004 Scarves

Scarf Mosiac 1
Originally uploaded by tsaiware.

Oh Sweet Vegas, I shall return.

Vegas Mosaic
Originally uploaded by tsaiware.