The Time is Now

Let's make this moment....last. -Moloko

Location: Toronto, Canada

Monday, March 12, 2007

Childhood funny

I know this probably looks a little gross, but I took the picture because I had flashbacks of something I did and tried to deny a couple of weeks later.

The story goes something like this. When we were little Grandma used to live with us, and I'm not saying she used to let us do anything, but she never stopped me from trying new things out. I remember grating some carrots, pretty much the whole bag, and making a carrot cake or at least trying to. I believe it was another infamous Joyce cake which sometimes (mostly when she lived at Lemay) would serve people. Boy, when I think of all the people she'd give the "bread" or "cakes" too! Anyways, thats another story.

So back to the carrot cake. I remember making a batter of flour, grated carrots, and water. Pouring into a rectangle take out tray, then worrying that I'd get in trouble for wasting flour and all those carrots. So I had this great plan of hiding it, in my parents closet - not so great. Well let me tell you after a week or so of wondering what the smell was and where it was coming from, my parents found this mouldy goop which some of my mom's clothes happened to be dried to.

It was pretty clear that it wasn't J1 or J3, but I still tried to say it wasn't me! I don't think they believed me. This is probably what my new experiment looked like before I tried to hide the evidence.

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Blogger Tsaichotic said...

It could have been me on one of my sleep walking adventures!

9:43 PM, March 12, 2007  
Blogger Jay-too said...

As much as I'd like to blame it on you, I don't think you had the manual dexterity required to grate carrots back then.

9:55 AM, March 13, 2007  
Blogger Jay-too said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

9:56 AM, March 13, 2007  

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