The Time is Now

Let's make this moment....last. -Moloko

Location: Toronto, Canada

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Day 19 - Day of Rest, Night of Visits

Day 19 consisted of my last train ride back to Ryde from Redfern. Dad picked me up at West Ryde Station, dropped me off at home, where Mom had a steaming bowl of Coconut Taro Tapioca soup waiting for me (no pic here). We went to Macquarie Centre to check out the new level and see where my folks work. Then spent the rest of the afternoon watching yet another mad for tv movie about "the dingo stole my baby". Off to dinner, and a quick visit with all my Aunts and Uncles to say goodbye.

I tried to take a photo of the view from the top of my parents street (technically the Mobile Petrol Station)but you just can't capture the extent of the view with a point and shoot. Top photo is a 12x zoom to the Sydney Olympic Park site, and the bottom is just a general overall view.



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