The Time is Now

Let's make this moment....last. -Moloko

Location: Toronto, Canada

Friday, March 31, 2006

If it weren't for tv...

...saying that I'd get even fatter when losing an hours sleep, I wouldn't know it was Daylight Saving Time this weekend. I would continue telling J1 and J3 that it's probably around easter, and I would be late for work on Monday. For some reason the three calendars I have don't say when it is, good thing I didn't pay for them, or I'd feel ripped off. At least Easter is on the calendar! Farwell J1 and J3 until the next time change.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Office Perk

Our new office has a small gym, which inspired me to cancel the gym membership I've been paying for and not using. Today I went inside only to find out that the eliptical machine is actually broken. I guess if I hadn't gone in to take the picture, I would have been more pissed off if I had gone to work early to work out. I hope they fix it soon...perhaps the singing lady broke it the other day...she sings at the top of her lungs to her walkman.

Isn't this illegal?

All the cars in the parking lot had one of these on them, as far as I know it's illegal to photocopy money. I'm not sure what was on the back, some kind of advertisement, eitherway from a distance it looked pretty real to me.

Benches around work

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Quick little road trip!

I was on the way back from the old office, infact I was only minutes away from the new one, when I decided to see how the new camera worked in a moving vehicle. Not bad I say! If only I had actually rolled down the window, but I was afraid I'd somehow drop it on the Gardner Express Way. So from the top left corner, on the Gardner passing downtown, condos, TD Centre, The Royal York, The CN Tower, Rogers Centre, the Princess Gates, the big windmill thingy, Exhibition Place and then through the Dufferin Gates. I should mention that we were travelling anywhere between 30 - 80 km/hour during these shots.


I spent many days (okay...years) in this room. Today, while I did the last sweep of the old office, I couldn't resist but to take a picture of it. Everything you see has been drawn and rendered by a coworker, a talented bunch we are!

For you J1

Just incase you can't tell how high this towel dispenser is placed you can count the tiles. If I was to actually use my arm to get the paper out, I'd have to reach over my head. Needless to say, I just use my hands.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Does this mean it was 26 degrees?

I didn't make these

But I ate them. This was a Nut Torte, I scraped off the cream (just incase) and those are eggs and tomatoes stuffed with rice and tuna. It was actually quite refreshing and not as odd as it sounds. Probably the first time I've had the rice/egg/tuna/tomato combo.

And it grows

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Travelling to work

As most of you know, my office moved roughly three weeks ago. I've had enough time to discover that the earlier I leave, the later I get there. Therefore, I'm now leaving later than ever, it boggles my mind how 15-20 min can make all the difference. The trip technically is shorter (in kms), yet takes the same amount of time and way more effort. I don't transfer anymore, the plus side is that I can stay on the same street car all the way there, it's travelling through downtown that kills me. In the mornings I don't live east enough to get a seat, I stand 2/3 of the way there, hit the two major downtown swarms, then the bathurst masses. On the way home, I luckily get on one stop before the rush, but I think people are slowly getting smarting and walking to my stop from the next one.
Today, we were stuck in traffic because of The Lord of the Rings musical opening night, then the convoy of tractor coming down from Queen's Park on University, and then the picketting at George Brown. I can't wait until the weekend! I like the new office, not sure about the neighbourhood yet, and hate the trip to work...I'm sure it'll grow on me eventually. My MP3 player is sure coming in handy!

Sunday, March 19, 2006

St.James Cathedral Statue

St.James Cathedral 1
Originally uploaded by tsaiware.

If I had taken the time to read what the plaque said, I'd know what scale the statue was at. Either way it is just as awesome as the real thing.

St.James Cathedral

St.James Cathedral 5
Originally uploaded by tsaiware.

At the corner of King and Church, Toronto. Check my flickr site for a few more pics!

Bay Bunnies

Bay Bunnies
Originally uploaded by tsaiware.

This is part of the Easter window display at The Bay flagship store in Toronto. There was a big mommy and daddy bunny to the right but I couldn't get it all in the shot without getting my reflection in the glass...gotta learn how to do that!


Originally uploaded by tsaiware.

They come in "blind boxes" meaning that all the boxes are identical but the contents are different, so its a crap shoot. I've found some on ebay, so am waiting to see what the shipping costs are. I was going to bring these to work for my desk, however I think they'll get knicked!

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Look what I found last night!

I don't know when it was finally released on DVD, but here is my favourite BBC comedy. I watched the entire first season this morning! I'm not sure why almost all the shows I fall inlove with get cancelled or end (eg. Coupling and Dead Like Me)

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

My Office

Originally uploaded by tsaiware.

Here's a picture of the middle of the office. This is the view from the entrance (foreground: lobby, middle: general meeting area, background: meeting room -door is still missing). I'll take more pictures soon and post them. I should have done it the weekend of the move but then again, I'm still waiting to clean up my own work area. Currently I'm about 75% there, however I'm looking at the six empty water bottles on my desk and don't know where I'll stash them all now that I gave my filing cabinet to my coworker two stations away from me. Just thought you'd like a sneak peek.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Bon bons

bon bons from South America
Originally uploaded by tsaiware.

We also got a box of these Brazillian bon bons, like a ferrero roche without the hazelnut flavour and well, nuts.

Belated Christmas Wool

Belated Christmas Wool
Originally uploaded by tsaiware.

Well worth the wait, and yes this should be on tsaiWare, but I couldn't resist posting it! I got this huge stash of wool from Mr. and Mrs. M for Christmas. I can't wait for the hands to start working again so I can knit myself some kind of neck embellishment. At least I have a while to decide which colour I want for myself!


mortar and pestle
Originally uploaded by tsaiware.

See what you get for being patience? I've been meaning or wanting to buy a mortar & pestle for about two years now, but never saw one I liked. The last week in Leaside I popped into the local Winners and saw this gorgeous one carved out of solid olive wood. I'm glad I waited.

Remember these?!

gum - fruit stripe
Originally uploaded by tsaiware.

J1 and J3, in honour of you two I bought a pack of these this weekend!

Crazy Treats

Originally uploaded by tsaiware.

The one in the back is actually hot pink, if they weren't so overly priced I would have gotten all the colours. There were only two faces though, so I guess two was good enough. I'mm going to use them for paper clips and binder clips at work!

New Crocs!

new crocs
Originally uploaded by tsaiware.

I can't find the Sage ones anywhere, so indecisive me ended up getting Khaki and Light Blue to make up for it!

My Upgrade

my new camera
Originally uploaded by tsaiware.

Oh what an upgrade from the Sony Cybershot 3.2, when I figure out all the details I'll be taking pictures all the time! I'm kinda in awe of Lao Er's camera phone quality though!

cookie - easter egg

cookie - easter egg
Originally uploaded by tsaiware.

It was 4 for a set price or one for another, so I HAD to get four cookies! This was the purple Easter Egg with the bonus chocolate bunny...yeeehaa!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

It's Official

My office has officially moved! The space is huge, we're all on one floor. The space planning could have used some more work, I can't help but feel guilty because I'm on the side of the office where only 1/3 of the office sits (so we have larger workspaces). Yes I worked all weekend, infact I worked an extra 32 hours this week alone, so I took 60 seconds out to measure out my space and mark exactly every last square inch I get. I justify this because for the past six years, every time they moved someone into my work area, they'd make my space more narrow until they took away over a 1/3 of my original square footage. Thats my story and I'm going to stick with it. The unpacking is still going on for me, I still have two whole areas that I have to get to. I've given up on the warehouse because when everyone else unpacked their desk yesterday, they ended up dumping the crap they brought over and dumped it in there. I'll finish it up next week (and take some photos). See yah next week.