The Time is Now

Let's make this moment....last. -Moloko

Location: Toronto, Canada

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Happy Anniversary

On Sunday, there was a reenactment of the final moments of completion for the CN Tower 30 years ago. So we got our butts off the couch and went outside to take a look. This is what it looked like with 12x zoom.

POD 2006.06.28

My coworker mentioned this tree to me yesterday, so I wandered a little out of the way to get to work this morning. And when I say a little bit, I mean about 1/2 a block :)

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

POD 2006.06.27

Originally uploaded by tsaiware.

Because I've had over 150 hits on this picture in the last 2 days.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

POD 2006.06.25

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Open House

There was an Open House for the Public today. I didn't make it for the guided tours, so I took it upon myself to do the self tour. It was good enough, and I caught a free little show too. I'm going to have to save up to by something fancy to wear to the opera after I save up to buy a ticket! This may be the only time I get to go to the Four Seasons Centre, I'll just have to admire it from the streetcar.

POD 2006.06.24

Friday, June 23, 2006

POD 2006.06.23

Thursday, June 22, 2006

POD 2006.06.22 My Dinner

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

POD 2006.06.20 BOO

Monday, June 19, 2006

POD 2006.06.19

Sunday, June 18, 2006

POD 2006.06.18

Friday, June 16, 2006

POD 2006.06.16

Thursday, June 15, 2006

POD 2006.06.15

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Awesome Clouds

The making of a great sandwich

Save your appetite when you're at St. Lawrence Market, you may be tempted by other vendors but it's well worth your trip to Mustachio's on the lower level. Don't be put off by any line up you may see (especially during lunchtime on a weekday). The line moves fast and its well worth the wait.

Spend that time looking at the signs for what you'd like, and if all else fails, order what the person infront of you just got.

You choose between a bun or a focaccia, and you can have just eggplant or veal or eggplant and veal or chicken (not shown).

You then choose from these toppings: peppers, onions, mushrooms, and hot peppers. Marinara sauce comes with.

And you end up with something like this. This wasn't the one I ordered, but you get the drift. Sharing is probably a very good idea.

POD - 2006.06.14

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Night to Day

I couldn't sleep last night, or this morning. When I looked out the window at 4:45am, to the south I saw dark overcast skies, but to the north I saw a break in the clouds. As you can see from the photos, night gets pushed out to the lake to bring on the day. Okay, it was just the clouds! But it would be cool if thats how night became daytime.

POD - 2006.06.13

Monday, June 12, 2006

Today's lunch hour photos


There is usually a line up at Swatow's, but if you go at some bizzare time to eat dinner....say, 4:30ish then you won't have to wait for a seat or sit at a table with complete strangers! Yum yum, Singapore Noodles and General Tao Chicken.


Since the office moved to the new location, I've been doing pretty good with bringing my lunch in. And when I mean good, I mean at least once a week! Actually, I've been aiming at three times a week. However, now that I've decided that I'm going to take pictures of "restaurant" food, that may change. Here's some pics of last weeks meals (NOTE: I also take photos of my coworkers lunches too).

Oh, so I was just looking up the address for the Warehouse Grill, where these pictures were taken. I did a little googling and came across this. Now I've gotta say that I almost completely agree with his statements, and I didn't read all the comments because I would have been skimming anyways. At least now I know that I've been standing in what should have been three lines. My complaint both times I've been there was that it's very disorganized and confusing. Now I know why! But I like the frits!!

Friday, June 09, 2006

Liberty Village Reflections

Prickly Cherries?

I'm sure they're not cherries, but at this point I'm not sure what they are. I'll keep you posted on what they become.

Upsidedown Vertigo

smoke stack 1
Originally uploaded by tsaiware.

Holy smokes, I thought I was going to passout when I took this photo. It's a pretty blustery day out and the clouds were whipping by, causing me a few seconds of dizziness.

White peonies

White peonies
Originally uploaded by tsaiware.

I remember my Mom having these growing all around the house on Crowson, they were mostly pink. Now I think these flowers are gorgeous, I never fully appreciated them back then. Probably because I always found them top heavy and full of ants.

LS Crocs!

LS Crocs
Originally uploaded by tsaiware.

Well and other visit with LS came and went, it's always great to see an old friend. She was here for two conferences, we worked on her powerpoint presentations (which went smoothly....phew!) and even did a little bit of shopping together. Look what I convinced her to buy! (Even though I wasn't actually with her when she bought them!)

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Inner City Garden

I had two hours to kill (or LS put it) before I had to meet my friend at Union Station, so I decided to go on another graffiti hunt. On my way there, I found this small little garden, which I suppose people "rent" in the middle of city. Everyone seemed to have a tiny little plot, with their names staked into the ground. I think it is great when a community gets involved in their neighbourhood, no matter how small it was. Good to see some greenery around.

On a side note, I didn't bother taking any picture inside Union Station incase they frown on that now.