The Time is Now

Let's make this moment....last. -Moloko

Location: Toronto, Canada

Monday, January 02, 2006

Back to work

This morning I woke up by the annoying sounds of the alarm clock, it took about five beeps before I realized what was going on, but to my surprise I still had the CPAP mask on. Success!! This was my second time in the past six weeks that I haven't taken it off in my sleep.

CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure): I was recenlty diagnosed with severe sleep apnea, and am required to sleep with a breathing apparatus forever.

NOTE TO SELF: I should blog about the CPAP and Christmas 2005.

Back to my story. With full knowledge that the TTC was running on holiday schedule today, I decided I should take a more efficient route to get to work and leave 30 minutes earlier. Normally, I take the Queen streetcar east to Jones, then the Jones bus, then the Leaside bus. Today I took the Queen streetcar to the Yonge line, took the subway to Eglinton and one of the many buses that go east on Eglinton to my office.

Note: People who are forced to go back to work on Jan. 2 are grumpy...or as J1 and J3 refer to as "crankypants".

With a smile on my face I head out to catch the streetcar. I'm about 30 steps away from the corner and what goes by? The I wait and wait, shoulda just walked. Streetcar comes, clearly the driver didn't want to be working, completely ignored my chipper Good Morning, and my attempts at...Thanks! Happy New Year when I got off wasn't even responded to by a grunt or anything.

But to my surpirse, the Tim Hortons didn't have a line-up 40 people deep like usual. Infact, I was the only person in line and the bonus was that there were eight people behind the counter. However I still had to wait to get servered by a woman was a severe case of crankypants.

Coffee and banana nut muffin in tote, I got on the subway and headed north. This is when I realized I was one of six people on the subway car, there were never more than ten people on it the whole way to Eglinton. Was I REALLY supposed to go to work today?

Note: If you don't drink your large double double within the first 20 min, all the sugar will be in the last five sips.

Eglinton Avenue, on a normal work day is as busy as downtown. Today, it looked deserted. The usual thing happens to me at the bus terminal. I get to it, there are many buses, I can get on any of five routes to get to my destination, and three of them are there. I choose the closest one, and the other two take off, the one I'm on just sits there. When it finally starts moving, I start doubting whether I'm on the right bus or not, cuz I still am in a daze and I haven't taken this route in a very long time.

Finally I make it to work, to my surprise 1/2 an hour early because there was no traffic....anywhere! I approach the building, see one car in the lot and think to myself, did I miss the memo that said not to come to work today? Alas, I see two coworkers pull into the lot, and see others inside. What catches my eye first is that the xmas tree is still outside in the snow, and that the needles where our mightly tree was standing are pushed into a neat pile still on the floor. Was there no office cleaner in for the week we were closed???

True enough, as I do my office scan, garbage cans and recycling bins are over flowing and the stench of rotting food is overwhelming in the main floor kitchen. I make my way over and see that the two mini fridges have been left tilted and open for over a week. They are full of a horrid colour of water with mold scum floating on the surface and the stench is coming from the food that was left on the counter from all the holiday baskets we got prior to closing. I'm not sure if that was cheese with major growth or some kind of peppermint brittle...I just threw it out with out further investigation.

*sigh* my first 30 min at the office consisted of scooping out water from two fridges and cleaning up holiday mess. It was either suck it up and just do it, or wait until management came and told me to. In retrospect I should have waited until management came in and saw the mess, then cleaned it up before they asked, now they don't even know it existed.

Welcome back to work! Hopefully this isn't a precurser to what is going to happen in the next two months with our office move....somehow I doubt it!

On a more positive note, I'm on reception all day without a break, so I'm going to blog as much as possible while I'm up here.

Note: I'm hoping this new blog doesn't turn into the negative accounts of my life. Perhaps I should work on some resolutions and pretend if I blog them I'll actually do it!


Blogger Tsaichotic said...

That's crap that you have to work today. January 2nd was a public holiday here! I'd be very crankypants.

8:23 PM, January 02, 2006  
Blogger MiddleChild said...

Thanks for clarifying the proper use of the therm "crankypants". I was too embarrassed to ask and was doing okay just assuming it was some form of slacks or that it was someone's word verification.

Also - congrats on getting diagnosed. I hope that CPAP things works. Somehow, I can't help but feel a bit guilty because I'm a mild proponent of the universal-allotment theory, i.e. there's only so much sleep to go around in the T-clan, and I'm pretty sure I've taken much more than my fair share.

Lastly ... whoa ... I think this is way too long to classify as a comment.

10:59 PM, January 04, 2006  

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