The Time is Now

Let's make this moment....last. -Moloko

Location: Toronto, Canada

Monday, January 02, 2006

Eating with my eyes

You know that rule where you shouldn't go grocery shopping when you're hungry? You also shouldn't go out for dinner when you've skipped a meal. We skipped out on doing anything for NYE and decided to go to Red Lobster for dinner yesterday, I was so hungry that I ordered the first thing I saw on the menu (via picture that is). There was crab alfredo, lobster stuffed mushrooms, and these coconut came with a baked potato, caesar salad and these garlicy biscuits. Who the hell can eat all this? We pooled our shrimp together and the lobster stuffed mushrooms (not shown) and got a really big doggy bag.


Blogger MiddleChild said...

You took photo's ... at the Loobster ... of your shrimp ...

I think you should send them back the photo with a comment on how unevenly these were prepared.

Then sit back and let the coupons roll in!

9:57 PM, January 04, 2006  

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