The Time is Now

Let's make this moment....last. -Moloko

Location: Toronto, Canada

Monday, January 30, 2006

Four Planes and an Automobile

Sushi, Oh My!

A little too early

If you're looking for the absolute best Veal & Eggplant Sandwich (or just veal or just eggplant) in Toronto. Take yourself downstairs, at the St. Lawrence Market. It was just after 9am on Saturday, so the veal wasn't out yet, but some of the eggplant for the breakfast fritatas were ready. If you get there on a weekday around noon, and there is a line up about 50 people deep, don't you worry just get in line, it's well worth the wait. And if you have room for dessert, there are great brownies at the shop directly to the right of Mustachios. They're pretty big so come hungry or bring a friend to split it with. I'll take a picture of one the next time I get one.

Allegro Flowers - St. Lawrence Market

The Bouquet Now

It's and Its

While I was in Winnipeg, I had tea with Prof. GS. We started talking about my blog, or I started talking about my blog and I admitted that my spelling is aweful and my grammar is worse. Then I told him that I didn't even know what the difference between It's and Its. At the time I "got" it, but needed a refresher from J1. Before I left he gave me this book, which I'm about to start reading, the back made me chuckle and I'm sure I'll learn a thing or two. Thanks Mr. S!!!!

Baked Goods

Baguettes, Pretzels, Croissants, and Scones.

Sweet Roasted Beets (and carrots)

Sweet Baby Beets from St. Lawrence Market
Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees
Peel Beets
1 Tablespoon Balsalmic Vinegar
3 Tablespoon Olive Oil
Minced Garlic
Salt and Pepper to taste
Cook for 30 min.
Toss in some baby carrots
mix around, then
Cook for another 20-30 min.

Tea Anyone?

japanese tea cups
Originally uploaded by tsaiware.
I love japanese ceramics, and I wish I had my pieces. I've really got to get my things out of storage before I forget what I actually own. Thanks P & S for keeping my things in your storage locker!

Blueberry Bagels

blueberry bagels
Originally uploaded by tsaiware.
These are the bagels that brought on the cheese story. The bagels had their very own adventure. Like the Old Dutch chips, I brought the bagels on as a carry-on for the first flight to Wpg. They were comfortably out of the way in the overhead compartment, but somehow 1/2 way through the flight, the smell of blueberry bagels were coming out of the air jets above me and filling up the cabin. Like someone breaking wind, but not so bad, I just looked around and pretended it wasn't me!

Long Distance Cheese

cheese monger
Originally uploaded by tsaiware.
This is how the story goes, I was at the market waiting for some blueberry bagels to be baked. I had about 30 min to kill, plus I was on my way to the airport. So I decided to call my LS in Wpg and ask her if she'd like some fancy cheese. The converstation goes like this.

me: Hi, I'm waiting for some bagels, and thought I'd ask you if you wanted some cheese?
LS: ...sure, ask for a mild cheese that won't have to be refrigerated...
me: (repeats it to the Cheese Monger - CM)
CM: (picks up a wedge about the size of a small cantalope wedge and hands it to me)
me to LS: its pretty good (I don't know much about cheese!)
me to CM: sure, I'll take it
CM: (weighs it and hands it to me)
LS: how much is it?
me: about $12.00 (I'm lying)
CM: oh this is the OLD cheese (weighs it again)
me: (eye's bug out) um, he just reweighed's actually over $16.00
LS: (and I swear not even 1 second went by) how many grams was it?
me: just over 200 grams
LS: THAT'S OVER $72.00 a kilo
me: (backing away from the Cheese Monger), I'll have to think about it....(trying to pretend I don't notice him giving me the evil eye).

I backed right out of the shop, and took off. Holy smokes, that cheese musta been made of gold!

Thank you Mrs. E!

Thank you Mrs. Ennis, originally uploaded by tsaiware.

These flowers were delivered last thursday, a week after my Grandmother's funeral. Thanks for thinking of me Mrs. E. They are in full bloom now and are gorgeous. Thanks again!

Thanks Neen

Thanks Neen, originally uploaded by tsaiware.

Thanks for always being there for me Neen. The flowers were lovely and greatly appreciated.

Happy Chinese New Year!

Happy New Year
Originally uploaded by tsaiware.
Happy New Year, All the best to you and yours!

Friday, January 27, 2006

Visions of An-ma

Last night I had a dream, that I was in An-ma's room on Lemay Ave. Everything was very clear, from the placemenet of the bed, dressers, tv, black swivel chair, the two trunks, even the bedspread was all correct, right down to how she displayed her items on her dressers.

I dreamt that I was in her room, looking at her things and then my Aunt Rozane came to the door and gave me a photo album. It was handmade, with one photo per page. These photos were very vivid, however they weren't of any pictures I've seen before.

They were of my childhood, and growing up, with visits to my An-ma all things that brought back true life experiences...all layed out in this album. Everytime I turned the page it was at a different stage in my life with her, times spent together, memories that I had forgotten. When I looked closer at these pictures, they would "come to life" so to speak, like a flashback on a tv show, giving me a tidbit of the past. It was great.

I woke up with a smile on my face and feeling positive. Thanks for the memories!

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Imported from the Prairies

As my carry-on luggage went through the security scanner at the Winnipeg International Airport, I wondered what exactly they were seeing on the screen. The conversation went kinda like this:

Security: Old Dutch potato chips?
Me: Yes
Security: Ketchup?
Me: Yes
Security: (Nods and Smiles) Go ahead.
Me: Thanks, they're hard to find in Ontario.
Security: Enjoy.

You'd think...

That a cake in a box, tied up with string wouldn't be too difficult to transport on a plane. Dr. TC and I were flying home from Winnipeg and seeing as I missed AM's bday I thought it would be nice to bring home a childhood favourite. The infamous Jeannie Cake (this one is a small marble log...with of course the cookie bottom). Needless to say, the cake spent some of its time on its end, side, and even once upside down. (Note: I photoshopped all the grease stains off the box)

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Whom is this kid?!

About a week ago, some family members were going through piles of family pictures and there was this mystery baby. My Aunt told me that no one knew who it was, and my reaction was to turn the picture over. To my surprise, the writing on the back was not only in english, but in my Dad's handwriting. Guess we know who the kid is now!

Whats with the hair?

Boy, I had alot of hair when I was born! However, J3 apparently had WAY more than that....we've all heard the stories about it.

My mom doesn't seem to look like she just had a baby! Maybe thats not me?

Who's the little cutie pie?

This is the cutest picture I've ever seen of J1, plus it is one of the only pictures I've ever seen with both sets of Grandparents in it. Therefore, posting it was inevitable!

Before the Piano

Before the piano and clarinet, there was the Fisher Price Pull-A-Tune Xylophone. There probably wasn't as much pressure to master this particular instument.

Unlikely Twins

Back then, I'm sure it was never a question that we were sisters.


Why couldn't I just be normal!

Happy Belated J1 and LL

So, does anyone else see the birthday theme going on here? YES, that is correct, its a "Doggie" Birthday Party.

Perhaps "Doggie" was a well known toy in his day, like Rainbow Bright, The Care Bears, Strawberry Shortcake or the Smurfs. Now a days, its Dora the Explorer, The Wiggles and The Bratz. Back in the day perhaps Pink Bears were all the rage!

I don't think J1 was so big on the hats and cups as I was.


This picture is hillarious, not because of the whole retro volcano display happening behind J1 and I, but for the expression on my face! Even to this day, this is how I look when subjected to going to a museum or art gallery. However, I must add that my appreciation for Art and Culture is somewhat evolving. Perhaps I'll make it to the ROM or AGO this year.

I wonder if I had said to my family...I'll be waiting for you by the volcano, see you when you're done!

Monday, January 16, 2006

A good laugh

After the difficult decision to leave Winnipeg on Saturday, and finally getting to the airport, JE bought me a couple donuts from Tim Horton's (I ate alot of Timmy's in Wpg). After tell her repeatedly that I didn't want any, my stomach gave in. I opened up the bag and saw this, and we both burst out laughing. I needed that. Now that I think of it, I should have saved this and sold it on ebay!

On my way to Winnipeg...the first trip

I was two hours early for my flight to Winnipeg, I was in Terminal One and decided to hike all the way back to the Tim Hortons when I saw good ol' Don Cherry waiting for his flight to Halifax. It only took me five laps around him before I got the courage to ask for a picture. Words were exchanged, I have no idea what they were!

Whats with the socks?

Beloved An-ma

Rest in Peace
August 15, 1910 - January 14, 2006

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Doggie's Arrival - Christmas 1973

Note how I'm wringing my fists because Doggie is on J3's lap, I'm already too attached!!!

Monday, January 02, 2006

R.I.P. Doggie 1973-2005

Today is a very sad day, actually it was yesterday. On Christmas, Doggie and I celebrated his 32nd birthday. On New Years Day Doggie and I decided it was time we stopped spending so much time together. When I get my photos out of storage, I will scan in the picture of our first day together. Thanks Aunt Rozane for giving me Doggie all those years ago. He has been loved more than any other thing I have and will be cherished a safe spot where no more damage can come to him.

Eating with my eyes

You know that rule where you shouldn't go grocery shopping when you're hungry? You also shouldn't go out for dinner when you've skipped a meal. We skipped out on doing anything for NYE and decided to go to Red Lobster for dinner yesterday, I was so hungry that I ordered the first thing I saw on the menu (via picture that is). There was crab alfredo, lobster stuffed mushrooms, and these coconut came with a baked potato, caesar salad and these garlicy biscuits. Who the hell can eat all this? We pooled our shrimp together and the lobster stuffed mushrooms (not shown) and got a really big doggy bag.

Mini Marvels

Iconic Shop2
Originally uploaded by tsaiware.
These cases of goodies were in the window of the Iconic Shop on Queen Street West. Little bento boxes, and sushi, dimsum and other treats along with some flower in asian style blue and white pots. There are apparently "dollhouse" scale, but I can't imagine that these are very safe and practical for a child. Its too bad I didn't capture the finer details of these toys.

Buses or Busses?

Lately I've been opening up Microsoft Word to correct my horrible spelling while I blog. The squiggley red line is my saving grace. As I was blogging my third post in a row with the word BUS in plural, it occured to me that I was spelling it busses and buses, and the more I switched them back and forth and republished my blog the more confused I got. So I typed in,

there are many buses on this route,
there are many busses on this route

And SPELLCHECK didn't correct either one of them!
Now I turned to Google and they use Buses AND Busses....ugh. I'm doomed.

Which reminds me...

When I cover for the recepetionist during her lunch break, days off (like today) or while she's on vacation, I am reminded of the day I thought I was doing a good deed. Which is why my I was questioning myself a minute ago.

Way back in the Fall of 2004 there was a major gas leak down the street, and the buses were being diverted. The TTC supervisor came and put up a temporary bus stop on a pole just outside our office door. After 2 days, the bus went back on its regular route. However, the sign never came down....infact that very same sign is still there. I suspsect the fare hikes goes towards paper signs and packing tape!

Last summer, I was coming back from lunch, and saw a woman with a bunch of parcels standing by this make shift sign. Here was my chance to do a good thing, so I walked up to her and told her this wasnt' a stop. Infact I went into the whole story about the gas leak and how the sign was left there. She kept trying to say something to me, but I just kept on explaining. Then I got annoyed, and ended it off with..."well if you want to stand there forever, go ahead, but you're wasting your time, because there is NO BUS!" and I stormed into my office. A couple minutes later I saw her leave.

The next day I was at the front and saw a bus turn onto our street. I commented to the receptionist that there must be a problem on the route because there isn't normally a bus on our street. This is when she informed me of how there has been a regular bus here for about 2 weeks and this stop was new. UGH!

Boy did I feel terrible, and sure enough when I was covering the phones at lunch I saw another bus go by. (Secretly, this story still makes me laugh - I bet the woman was trying to tell me that she's been taking the bus for two weeks now!)

Good Deed...not gonna happnen.

For those of you who know me, you probably know that I'm indecisive. For example, with my morning journey there were many thoughts and second thoughts:

1. should I make myself tea, instead of getting a coffee?
2. coffee time or tim's (no real questions there!)
3. should I really take this route to work? etc etc...

My dilemma, mind you it doesn't have anything to do with me, is that I've been watching this little kid outside in a red snowsuit hanging out by our xmas tree for the past 10 min. I kept wondering why this kid was playing there when it occured to me that there must be an adult somewhere. Should I tell them they just missed the bus by 5 min and may have to wait about 40 minutes for another one? Why can't these people just walk up to Eglinton and catch one of the many buses over there...why? cuz I'd probably do the same thing, if I wasn't sitting here right now.

20 minutes ago, I saw a man who had walked by my office door a few times get on the 88 Bus, and thats when I realized this route is running today, but only a bus an hour. He was out there for over 40 minutes...good thing it hovering around zero today.

Should I go tell this woman there isn't going to be a bus for a very long time or let her just stand there with this kid for another 20 minutes?

Problem solved, she has just walked away from the bus stop. Nevermind.

Back to work

This morning I woke up by the annoying sounds of the alarm clock, it took about five beeps before I realized what was going on, but to my surprise I still had the CPAP mask on. Success!! This was my second time in the past six weeks that I haven't taken it off in my sleep.

CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure): I was recenlty diagnosed with severe sleep apnea, and am required to sleep with a breathing apparatus forever.

NOTE TO SELF: I should blog about the CPAP and Christmas 2005.

Back to my story. With full knowledge that the TTC was running on holiday schedule today, I decided I should take a more efficient route to get to work and leave 30 minutes earlier. Normally, I take the Queen streetcar east to Jones, then the Jones bus, then the Leaside bus. Today I took the Queen streetcar to the Yonge line, took the subway to Eglinton and one of the many buses that go east on Eglinton to my office.

Note: People who are forced to go back to work on Jan. 2 are grumpy...or as J1 and J3 refer to as "crankypants".

With a smile on my face I head out to catch the streetcar. I'm about 30 steps away from the corner and what goes by? The I wait and wait, shoulda just walked. Streetcar comes, clearly the driver didn't want to be working, completely ignored my chipper Good Morning, and my attempts at...Thanks! Happy New Year when I got off wasn't even responded to by a grunt or anything.

But to my surpirse, the Tim Hortons didn't have a line-up 40 people deep like usual. Infact, I was the only person in line and the bonus was that there were eight people behind the counter. However I still had to wait to get servered by a woman was a severe case of crankypants.

Coffee and banana nut muffin in tote, I got on the subway and headed north. This is when I realized I was one of six people on the subway car, there were never more than ten people on it the whole way to Eglinton. Was I REALLY supposed to go to work today?

Note: If you don't drink your large double double within the first 20 min, all the sugar will be in the last five sips.

Eglinton Avenue, on a normal work day is as busy as downtown. Today, it looked deserted. The usual thing happens to me at the bus terminal. I get to it, there are many buses, I can get on any of five routes to get to my destination, and three of them are there. I choose the closest one, and the other two take off, the one I'm on just sits there. When it finally starts moving, I start doubting whether I'm on the right bus or not, cuz I still am in a daze and I haven't taken this route in a very long time.

Finally I make it to work, to my surprise 1/2 an hour early because there was no traffic....anywhere! I approach the building, see one car in the lot and think to myself, did I miss the memo that said not to come to work today? Alas, I see two coworkers pull into the lot, and see others inside. What catches my eye first is that the xmas tree is still outside in the snow, and that the needles where our mightly tree was standing are pushed into a neat pile still on the floor. Was there no office cleaner in for the week we were closed???

True enough, as I do my office scan, garbage cans and recycling bins are over flowing and the stench of rotting food is overwhelming in the main floor kitchen. I make my way over and see that the two mini fridges have been left tilted and open for over a week. They are full of a horrid colour of water with mold scum floating on the surface and the stench is coming from the food that was left on the counter from all the holiday baskets we got prior to closing. I'm not sure if that was cheese with major growth or some kind of peppermint brittle...I just threw it out with out further investigation.

*sigh* my first 30 min at the office consisted of scooping out water from two fridges and cleaning up holiday mess. It was either suck it up and just do it, or wait until management came and told me to. In retrospect I should have waited until management came in and saw the mess, then cleaned it up before they asked, now they don't even know it existed.

Welcome back to work! Hopefully this isn't a precurser to what is going to happen in the next two months with our office move....somehow I doubt it!

On a more positive note, I'm on reception all day without a break, so I'm going to blog as much as possible while I'm up here.

Note: I'm hoping this new blog doesn't turn into the negative accounts of my life. Perhaps I should work on some resolutions and pretend if I blog them I'll actually do it!

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year!

Well another year over, and another one just beginning. This year is officially going to be better than the last one, or five. Thats what I think my resolution is going to be (if I officially make one) have a better year this year than the last! May as well, seeing as "The Time is Now"!

I spent the last two hours of 2005 watching The 40 Year Old Virgin, and laughed so hard I almost cried. Like most movies they showed the best parts on the commercials, except that there were other really good parts as well, and the best parts... well they were even better than on tv.

NYE was spent relaxing and peaceful. There were brief moments where I suggested going to Nathan Phillip Square to countdown the New Year, however, it just didn't happen. After seeing the crowds there during the countdown, I'm very satisfied with my choice.

Happy New Year to you and yours!